Capacity Building


We envision training and coaching as a way to develop the autonomy and build the capacity of your team. Our training is based on solid theoretical foundations and are focused on practical tools which are relevant and adapted to your reality and specific needs. We favour putting new knowledge into practice as soon as possible in order to solidify learning and to build on the existing knowledge and experience of the team.

How does it work ?

Training proposed

Project Management

  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Building a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
  • Create and manage a Schedule
  • WorkPacks estimation
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Tips and advice for Project Managers: How to manage your performance ?

International Engineering Procurement Construction and Management (EPCM) projects

  • Understanding EPCM & EPC projects
  • How to respond to the tender offer
  • Manage the execution of the project’s phases

Innovate your organizational structure

  • Introduction to innovating organizational structures
  • Collaborative Tools

Questions & Answers

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