
give life to your projects

An integral project approach

Synergique offers project solutions based on performance, collaboration and emergence.
Synergique delivers performance through a well established, rigorous, robust and result driven project management methodology.
Beyond this technical aspect, the project team is the main success factor of any project. High performing teams are best supported by a deliberately crafted organizational structure designed to foster collaboration and autonomy.
The development of people and their mutual relationships is another crucial element. Synergique helps create a climate which fosters the emergence of well-being, cohesion and agility.
It is by bringing all of this together that Synergique gives life to your project

Bespoke Project Solutions

Each project solution is carefully crafted and customized to fit the requirements of the project. We use a diversified toolkit from which we select what is most relevant and will lead to the success of the project. Our solutions are always tuned to the specificities of your project. We rely on continued collaboration with our client to stay close to their needs and capacity.

... and on demand

We have made a deliberate effort to provide a complete range of services. However, our action is always focused. It is up to you to pick and choose which offering suits best, whether it is a training session, an organizational development design or a full scale project support. We are looking forward to working with you to define the bundle of services adapted to your specific situation.

Bee hives are a striking and beautiful examples of the accomplishment of a collective process.

Project Management Services


Every project follows a structured and rigorous methodology. The execution approach is designed according to the project’s specific context and objectives. This « fit for purpose » principle starts by defining the project’s purpose and its success factors and continues with managing quality, budget and schedule. The project infrastructure (Project Management Office, execution monitoring, team management …) is sized and optimized, and includes continuing improvement processes as well as change adaptability strategies.

Schools of fish moving in unison illustrate the fluidity and agility of decentralization and self management.

Organizational Development


Like any organization, a project team is more than the sum of its parts. It is akin to a living entity which viability depends on its organizational structure. The organizational structure of each project must reflect its culture and values as well as the collective intention of the project team. The best way is to let the team itself define its structuring elements such as its governance, role allocation or work-group composition.

Mushrooms are the visible part emerging from gigantic and invisible network of mycelium. This network connects, feeds and allows information exchange for the root network of surrounding trees and plants.

Personal and relational development


Before anything else, a project is an intention. For it to materialize depends on the cohesion and motivation of the team. Micro interactions between people is at the heart of any organization such as a project team. These interactions make up what the organization actually is. The quality of these relations is what unites the members of the team and what brings it resilience, motivation and adaptability. Encouraging it requires to develop individuals capacity for dialogue and listening, as well as promoting a climate of trust.
We talk about emergence because well-being and harmonious relationships cannot be prescribed. However, with the right posture and tools we can create conditions that are favourable to their emergence.

When a giant redwood tree dies, it happens that new trees grow out of this existing root systems to form a perfect circle around the stump of the fallen trees. People call those circles fairy rings.

Capacity Building


Learning organizations are also resilient, innovative and lasting organizations. They are able to evolve. Many of our actions involve training. More than just knowledge transfer, our approach to training is built around expanding the existing knowledge and experience of the team members. We view training as capacity building that is fuctional, practical and fit for purpose. Our training sessions are also an exchange allowing us to grow together, and an investment to cultivate a culture of continual improvement.

Delivering exceptional value

Combining competence, experience and presence

Synergique merges high level scientific expertise, excellence in engineering and world class project management skills together with innovative practice in organizational development. Our long experience executing international projects spans from small projects for Non Governmental Organizations to industrial mega projects. This includes work for award-winning companies known for their excellence in realizing projects. The success of these projects was guided by the implementation of innovating organizational structures, participatory processes and other tools supporting transparency, initiative and shared leadership. We strongly believe that personal development can foster the emergence of dialogue and understanding which are the basis of a flourishing organization. It helps bring meaning and participates in the well-being and success of the people and the team.

Synergique is the culmination of these various experiences. It combines performance driven, proven project management practices with an organizational design that is centred around collaboration. In addition we foster an emergent mindset encouraging a renewal of our relation to work, as well as our relations at work. Putting these elements together allows Synergique to deliver projects effectively and in a manner which is aligned with the identity of the team.

Our value added offering includes:

Improve efficiency

To improve efficiency and schedule through a complete and rigorous project methodology.

Develop dialogue

Develop dialogue and build trust in order to strengthen team cohesion.

Foster agility

Foster agility and resilience thanks to dynamic tasks assignment more transparent and fluid relationships.

Capacity development

Capacity building and development of the teams autonomy through training and coaching.

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