Personal and relational development


What is team spirit? What is the spirit of the team? What is this intangible element which brings people together and keeps them motivated?
It is first of all a mindset, a way of being which places interactions between people at the centre of the organization. This requires encouraging authenticity both at the personal level and at the level of the organization. For instance, rather than avoiding tensions and conflicts, we welcome their emergence because they are an indicator of underlying issues that need to be looked after. This also means encouraging initiative, creativity and collective intelligence in order to support the emergence of new ideas. All of this contributes to improving the manner in which the project is executed, and the way it is experienced by people.
Through coaching, working on self confidence and trust, as well as other approaches geared towards openness and self awareness, we propose to instill this elusive quality which makes a group of people into an exceptional team


Our solutions

Culture is the strategy. Developing the organization goes hand in hand with the development of its people.

Cultivating cohesion

The transformative power of conflicts

We view conflicts as symptoms and opportunities to develop an awareness of the deeper inner-workings of the organization.

(Credit: Frieda Hoffman and Lana Jelenjev)

Dealing with the elephant in the room

We can facilitate the difficult but necessary conversations allowing to bring to the surface taboos and underlying important issues that have been unspoken.

(Credit: Moose heads on the table)

Fostering trust

Trust is the glue and the fuel of any organization. Through dialogue and other group activities, we work with your team to define their way to reinforce and expand trust within the organization.


Step by step

Get the mandate

It is crucial that the team acknowledge the need for transformation and place its trust in the process.

Current Status

We first need to assess the current climate in the team. This already opens up a space which helps issues come to the surface.

Formalizing Intention

At this stage, the team defines its vision for the future of the organization.

Emergence of change

We help the team find in itself the resources and the manner of its evolution.

Purging underlying issues

There are often hidden and unspoken obstacle which must be uncovered in order to move forward.

Internalization of new postures

Transforming the culture is a continuous and iterative process which requires a deliberate effort.



Self Awareness

Self awareness practices are a great way to develop emotional intelligence.

Dialogue circles

We guide your team to develop their capacity for dialogue through deep listening and focused attention.

Team user manuals

Each member of the team is invited to share their boundaries and aspirations and the best way to interact with them.

(Credit: The Hum)


Games are a great way to approach certain issues in a light and amusing way.


Individual coaching is used to accompany the specific development of each individual.


Questions & Answers

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