Organizational Development


For a project to be successful you need more than a good plan, a realistic schedule, a sound budget, well defined scope, and a competent PM. These things are important of course, but the most important part is the team that is executing the project. A good team that works well together can deliver great results regardless of how good the project planning was, or what technology is used to deliver it. Although the organizational structure which supports the team is paramount, it is rarely defined explicitly or with enough transparency. Seldom does the team itself define the organizational structure. The last two decades have seen a resurgence of alternative and innovative organizational models in alignment with recent social, cultural and technological evolutions. These are often based on transparency, self management, as well as distributed power and leadership. We do not view this renewal of organizations in opposition to traditional hierarchies but rather as a complement. What we find most important is to make a clear and deliberate choice of the structure that is best suited to the situation.

How does it work ?

Our solutions

We accompany projects through a deliberate process to build the organizational structure best suited for the objectives of the project. Through this investment, the project builds the foundation for a lasting and adaptive performance. We follow a well structured methodology which allows the team to take ownership of self-management. Simple and effective, this process further solidifies the team around the creation of their own collaborative governance model. In addition to this road map, a set of participatory tools, supports actions in all aspects of the life of the organization.

Innovate your organizational structure

Organizational Design

We collective craft a team structure which best fits the needs of the project.

Co-creation workshop facilitation

These workshops are built around the direct implication of team members into the building of the project organizational structure.

Self Management

Participatory processes are put in place in order to develop autonomy, build smooth relationships and decentralize leadership and decision making.

Team processes facilitation

Meeting Design

Meeting design and optimization includes not only which meeting should be held (or not) but how meetings shall be structured and conducted.


We provide practical, actionable tools to help with all aspects of day to day activities: decision making, conflict resolutions, problem solving, communication, …

Roles distribution and management

We use an innovative approach to facilitate an allocation of roles and tasks that is dynamic, transparent and adapted to both the needs of the project and the capacity and aspirations of each person.


Organizational Development Steps

We view team building as a continuous, gradual and iterative process which is embedded in daily activities. It is the team itself which leads its own organizational development.

Define objectives

The organizational structure will be carefully crafted in order to respond to specific requirements, issues and to actualize a vision. This must be clearly defined.

Current Status Workshop

The aim of this step is to assess the current situation in regard to the stated objectives. Where are the pain points? Areas of improvement? Ideas that are at the core of the team’s life.

Learning Phase

This phase is devoted to invest in the team’s learning, to get inspired by other innovating organizations and to draw lessons from its own experience.


There is no better way to integrate and evaluate new ways of working than a direct application.

Design Workshop

The result and value from previous steps are formalized into a dynamic and adaptive organizational structure.




A constitution defines the rules which defines how the organization behaves at all levels.

(credit: IGI)

Open Space Technology

Open Space Technology is a method to conduct inspiring and productive seminars which contributes to building connections between people.

Decision Making process

We help you define decision making processes that are explicit and transparent.

Shared Governance

By defining together how we will work together is a key to an autonomous and fluid organization

Distributed Leadership

Opening the space for initiative and responsibility leads to a more dynamic and agile team.

Dynamic Organizational Structure

Role allocation and the composition of work groups are regularly revisited in order to adapt to changes and to the evolution of the project.


Questions & Answers

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